18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway

Join us on 09/20/2025

18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway Race Description

Welcome to the 18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway.  We are so glad you are here to Run the Race with us. The BDB consisted of a 5K run, a 2 mile walk, and several children’s runs, including an Adaptive Run/Walk for our CFNB kids!  The Kidzone and Vendors are back this year! It’s going to be Fun for People of all Ages.  All proceeds from the BDB will assist in the continued operation of the Center for New Beginnings, which provides services to children and adolescents with special needs. Currently more than 100 children and families are served at the Center’s three locations, with disabilities ranging from general academic related problems to specific disorders such as, but not limited to, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders.

It is through participants like you that make our event a huge success each year. By helping with our biggest fundraiser, you have made a big difference in the lives of many special-needs children.  One of our guiding principles is that we seek to create a “team approach” by serving as a bridge between families and service providers.  Thank you for joining our team for this year’s race. For more information about us and our events please check out our website www.nbeginnings.org.


Saturday ,September 20  8:30 AM-12PM


5K & 2 Mile Walk- $35

Cross Country Teams 5K- $30 (groups of 10 or more)

Derby Dash & Pup Trot- $30

Adaptive (Special Needs) Race- FREE

We accept cash, checks and credit. 


Waynesboro City Park

500 Shadrack Street, Waynesboro, GA 30830 


 Online at runsignup.com or
 Pick Up Form @ Center For New Beginnings 727 W 6th St. Waynesboro 
 Register on race day from 8:00AM-8:30AM

CHECK-IN   8:00AM-8:30AM

5K and 2 Mile Walk 9AM
Immediately following:
Derby Dash 1 Mile (6-12 yrs.)
50 Yard Pup Trot (5 yrs. & under)
1/4 Mile Adaptive Walk (all ages)

The 5K and Kids 1M Derby Dash are timed electronically


Friday September 19th  2-5 pm @ Center For New Beginnings 727 W 6th St ,Waynesboro


Saturday @ Waynesboro City Park

***MUST BE REGISTERED BY August 25, 2025 to be guaranteed a Race T-Shirt***

Get ready for the 18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-09-20 08:30:00 2025-09-20 08:30:00 America/New_York 18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway Waynesboro, GA Tracey Ouzts tracey@nbeginnings.org

    18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway Where & When

  • Location: Waynesboro, GA 30830
  • Race Date: 2025/09/20 08:30:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • Bird Dog 5K

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  • Clouds 63.7℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the 18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway in September for a great race. The 18th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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