Heros 5K
Join us on 04/01/2025
(race date estimated)Heros 5K Race Description
Heros 5K
- REGISTRATION: http://Heros.5K.Run
- DATE: April 1, 2023
- VENUE: 536 Bell Street, Ligonier, PA 15658
- START: Run check-in 7 am - 7:45, Run begins 8 am
- STARTING LINE: Ligonier Vally Middle School
- TYPE: Live
- PARKING: Parking is generously provided by Ligonier Vally Middle School.
- PACKET PICK-UP: Packets are available on-site, at the Registration tables on the day of the event.
- TIMING: Professional Timing
- 1st place awarded to the winner of each age division
- *12 & under
- *13-17
- *18-29
- *30-39
- *40-49
- *50+
Are you involved with a workplace wellness program? We’d love to help!
Here’s how it works:
- Contact us with your workplace information: andrew@heroesneveralone.org
- We will create a code for your wellness members to use at registration checkout that will waive or discount the registration fee. You can offer any discount amount your workplace wellness program allows.
- The day after the race, we will send you an invoice that can be paid online.
New to running? DOWNLOAD our ZERO to 5K program - Many newcomers to running become discouraged by the difficulty associated with the activity because they start too fast and push too hard. Their bodies rebel and they wind up miserable, wondering why anyone would possibly want to run in the first place. The Zero to 5K program has been specifically designed to instill a love of running and ends with participating in your first timed 5K.
We’re here to help you achieve your goal(s), be it your first 5K, improving your run, or simply offering a resource where you can run with a group that is designed to help each other stay motivated. You should ease into your 5K training plan gradually. In fact, the program we provide is less of a running regimen than a walking and jogging program. The idea is to transform you from a non-runner, getting you to begin running a 5K ( or 3.1 miles) and on a regular basis in just 4 weeks.
It’s easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back. Don’t try to do more, even if you feel you can. If, on the other hand, you find the program too strenuous, just stretch it out. Don’t feel pressured to continue faster than you’re able. Repeat weeks if needed and move ahead only when you feel you’re ready.

Refunds are not permitted for any reason including, but not limited to blizzard, bomb cyclone, tsunami, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, tornado, derecho storm, hail, lightening, thunder, apocalypse, locust attack, oversleeping, birth, death, taxes, IRS audit, engagements, marriage, divorce, jail, war, peace, nuclear explosion, Bear's win the division (we might if they go to the Superbowl), you signed up for the wrong event, not training enough, training too much, poor prior planning or our favorite, "I forgot". Have an “excuse” you would like to add to the list? Let us know.
While there are no refunds, you can get referrals, transfer your bib, change your shirt size, defer your registration to another event or change your distance.

- Location: Ligonier, PA 15658
- Race Date: 2023/04/01 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Run or Walk

Heros 5K Where & When
Heros 5K Sponsors
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