$0.00 Raised for Racine County Veterans Services
Charity Goal: $25,000
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About Racine County Veterans Services
Staff Sergeant Ralph H. Bode Memorial Run walk run/ walk for POW / MIA memorial at Pritchard Park, Racine in commemoration of POW/ MIA remembrance, and as a fund raiser to offset costs of the new POW / MIA Memorial to be emplaced in Pritchard Park on November 11, 2024 following the Veteran’s Day ceremony in Memorial Hall.
Staff Sergeant Bode of Racine, WI, was a tail gunner on a B-24 during WWII and was shot down over Germany on September 27, 1944. His remains were recently identified and Staff Sergeant Bode’s remains will be laid to rest at Graceland Cemetery in Racine on September 27, 2024.