HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years.

Join us between 11/27 - 01/01/2026

HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. Race Description


 If you miss a submission date and add it later  - you can change/edit the date to reflect actual.

14th Annual Holiday Mile® National Fitness Challenge 

Thanksgiving Day 2025 - New Year's Day 2026 -


14th Annual Holiday Mile® National Fitness Challenge

Thanksgiving Day 2025 - New Year's Day 2026 -

DAILY CHECK-IN: Checking in with your mile(s) every day is our way of holding you accountable for your pledge. Each day you check-in, you will be entered into a weekly drawing. Weekly prize winners will be notified via email. Please be sure to add to your safe sender list to ensure you receive updates from us. 

Click the "Manage my Registration" > "Submit Virtual Results" tab shown above to submit your daily miles.

Holiday Mile 2023

The holiday season is a health and fitness nightmare, with event cancellations, parties, to cookies, and time spent traveling to visit loved ones, it can feel impossible to stay on top of your fitness goals...but it doesn't have to be that way.

The Holiday Mile is a remote (aka virtual) race that takes place from Thanksgiving Day to New Year's Day. Participants commit to moving their body for at least one mile straight each day during this time period. They can walk, run, paddle, bike, or swim their mile each day. The event is open to individuals and teams.

In addition to completing the daily miles, participants are encouraged to participate in weekly challenges. These challenges include:

  • Social Media Contest:  Post something about the Holiday Mile on your social media that will motivate others to join in.
  • Photo Contest:  Post a photo of your Holiday Mile Journey on our Facebook page.
  • Random Act of Kindness:  Do something kind and share what you did on our Facebook page.
  • Local Clothing Drive:  Collect clothing as a team or individually and donate to a local charity.
  • Local Food Drive:  Collect food for a local food shelter.
  • $100 Review Prize:  Rate your experience with the Holiday Mile and tell us how it helped you.

All registered participants will receive a custom digital race bib, custom finisher medal, event performance t-shirt or hoodie, and a commemorative Certificate of Completion.

There will also be weekly prizes awarded to randomly selected participants. To be eligible for a prize, you must check in each day of the week.

The course is entirely up to you! You can run, walk, paddle, bike, or swim your mile anywhere you like.

The Holiday Mile is a great way to stay fit and motivated during the holiday season. It's also a great way to give back to your community. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!


  • Register for the race and print your bib
  • Walk, run, or crawl at least 1 Mile a day at your convenience, any time, anywhere between November 27, 2025 - Jan 1, 2026
  • Submit your time daily (optional) to see how you placed overall and receive your finisher certificate.
  • Celebrate your accomplishment by sharing on social media! #5Kevents, #HolidayMile
  • Feel free to join the 5Kevents Community Group to share and celebrate with other participants. Don't forget to follow our Remote Runners Facebook page too!

Moving your body at least one consecutive mile each day is just a small part of the Holiday Mile. To really get engaged, we encourage participants to SHOW YOUR HOLIDAY SPIRIT by participating in our weekly challenges:

AND we award one lucky participant who participates in the challenge each week with a $50 Amazon Gift Card! 

  • Nov. 26 Week 1: Social Media Contest - Post something about the Holiday Mile on your social media that will motivate others to join in.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  (be sure to tag #5Kevents or #HolidayMile)

  • Dec. 03 Week 2: Photo Contest - Post a photo of your Holiday Mile Journey on our Facebook page, Creativity counts HERE!

  • Dec. 10 Week 3: RanDOm Act of KINDNESS - Maybe not so random, but do something kind and share what you did on our Facebook page. Motivate others to do kind acts! Our favorite week here at the Holiday Mile HQ! Post your act of kindness HERE!

  • Dec. 17 Week 4: Local Clothing Drive - Collect clothing as a team or individually and donate to a local charity. Post your pic on Facebook HERE 

  • Dec. 24 Week 5: Local Food Drive - Collect food for a local food shelter! Share your efforts with us on the Facebook page HERE 

  • Jan. 01 Week 6: $100 Review Prize - Rate your experience with the Holiday Mile and tell us how it helped you! Post HERE

Each registered participant will receive a custom digital race bib, custom finisher medal, event performance t-shirt or Hoodie (See above), and a commemorative Certificate of Completion! 

Every week we will draw a random winner to receive an awesome door prize. Each time you check in for the week, you will be entered into the drawing. Only one check-in per day is allowed.  


  • Team & Individual Tracking

  • Performance wear - OPTIONAL short sleeve t-shirt (unisex, ladies' fit, youth or Pullover)

  • Commemorative Virtual Race Bib (Download under the "Manage my registration" tab above

  • Commemorative Finisher's medal (Your choice of 3 styles)

  • Certificate of completion

  • Team Incentives (25 or more)

  • Weekly prizes! 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: That's entirely up to you! It doesn’t matter where your Holiday Mile takes you, you just have to do at least one mile straight and check in each day. 

SPECIAL TEAM / COMPANY AWARDS! The Holiday Challenge is designed to encourage and maintain healthy lifestyles and reward individuals for doing so.  

COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL OPTIONS: This design will be a keepsake for years to come!  2025 is to be revealed soon!


TEAM INFORMATION: The Holiday Mile encourages participants to maintain healthy lifestyles and rewards individuals for doing so. Organizations that adopt this challenge will discover they will increase morale, create a healthy work environment, and help alleviate some holiday stress.   

If you have 15 or more people in your group, we suggest pre-paying for your team. You'll receive a reusable discount code to share with your team members so they can sign up for free. Just email us at for more details. 

Special Corporate/Team Challenge 

Companies and teams that recruit 25 or more participants will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card. Your company can choose how to distribute the $50 Card. Some ideas are to award the team member that has the most miles or the most days logged for the challenge. 

FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY: While this event is designed to keep you accountable and help maintain your fitness during the holiday season (or prepare you for your New Year's resolutions), you take it a step further by keeping with the spirit of the holidays and making your pledge a charitable fundraiser.
If you would like us to assign a charity to your organization, please email and we will create a fundraising page for your team.   

INVOLVE YOUR FRIENDS: You don't have to do this alone - get your friends to take the pledge with you and hold each other accountable. 


  • Get $2.00 OFF your registration simply by sharing on Social Media.
  • Get 10% credit per referral!  
  • Refer 10 or more people, your registration is FREE!  
DAILY CHECK-IN: Checking in with your mile(s) every day is our way of holding you accountable for your pledge. Each day you check-in, you will be entered into a weekly drawing. Weekly prize winners will be notified via email. Please be sure to add to your safe sender list to ensure you receive updates from us. 

Click the "Manage my Registration" > "Submit Virtual Results" tab shown above to submit your daily miles. 

PRO TIPS: This is the 13th year of the Holiday Mile, so we've learned a few tips from successful participants along the way:

  • Make the Holiday Mile website your "Start Up Page" on your web browser
  • Post daily words of wisdom, fun images, sweaty selfies, results, distances, etc. on your Facebook page
  • Check-in daily on our Holiday Mile Facebook page, Facebook groupInstagram, and Twitter feeds

    • Do I have to track my time / How do I track my time?
      No, tracking your time is optional. There are several apps available that you can use to track your time. Here is a list of the top 10 apps.
    • Do all team members have to participate together?
      No, that is the great part about a virtual race! Each team member can run/walk at their own pace on their own time.
    • Do all team members have to do the same distance?
      No, each team member can choose to do their own distance.
    • Can I split up the distance over several days?
      Yes, you can certainly split up your distance over time if needed.
    • Do I have to submit my time to get my medal?
      No, submitting your time is optional, you will still get your medal regardless. But if you want to print off your finisher certificate, you must submit your time.
    • When will I get my medal and/or shirt?
      Medals and shirts will start to ship in mid-December. 
    • How do I print my bib?
      Bibs are provided in digital format. Once you register, you will be automatically assigned a bib number. Under “Participant Management” you will see an option to print your bib for this race.
©2013-2024, LLC. This event model is copyrighted by - 2013-2025, All rights reserved.  "Holiday Mile" is a registered Trademark Reg. # 4980110

Get ready for the HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years.

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2026-01-01 23:00:00 2026-01-01 23:00:00 America/Chicago HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. Racine, WI Event Director

    HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. Where & When

  • Location: Racine, WI 53403
  • Race Dates: 11/27 - 01/01/2026
  • Categories:
    • Holiday Miler

HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. Sponsors

HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. Reviews

4.7 - 41 reviews

Review HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years.

Most Helpful Review
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
Great motivator

This challenge is so much fun! I posted it on my Facebook page and 20 of my friends joined in. It was a great motivator for all of us. We held each other accountable for exercising - even with the horrible weather. I finished the challenge with a 13.2 mile run on New Year's day. It was a wonderful way to keep healthy during the holidays

Kay D. 3/3 found this review helpful.

Course: 4.5/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2020-11-27 11:11:49
Great Event and very Motivational

This is an amazing way to stay healthy and motivated during the Holiday Season

verified participant race review Patrick F. has attended 5+ times
6/9 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 4.5/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2020-11-27 11:11:30
Holiday Mile

Great! Easy way to stay motivated

verified participant race review Kate F. has attended 2 times
4/7 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2020-12-31 10:57:40
Holiday Mile

It was the motivation I needed to keep moving EVERYday from Thanksgiving to tomorrow, New Years Day. 1 more day, 1 more mile.

verified participant race review Mary Theresa Z. has attended 1 times
4/5 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 3.0/5
2021 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 18:01:56
Really great at keeping me motivated through the holday season!

The Good: The holiday mile is really awesome for people that are needing a little push to get out and get a workout in. Although the idea is to get a mile in, the program is great for those looking to get in some serious mileage. For me, the hardest thing about getting a workout in is getting out the door. During the holiday mile, I may have dreaded going out to walk in the cold, but I did it anyways. I dont think I've been this active since college, and I attribute my activity the past month to the holiday mile. Areas of Improvement: Easier way of submitting miles. Weighting biking, running, swimming, etc differently and perhaps doing a point system for ranking rather than miles based.

Collin F. has attended 1 times
4/5 found this review helpful.
Course: 4.5/5
Organization: 3.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-03 09:16:36
Holiday mile

Loved this challenge, just wish there was a different way to post ,log miles besides social media

verified participant race review Anita W. has attended 1 times
3/3 found this review helpful.
Course: 4.0/5
Organization: 4.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-02 07:34:22
Holiday Mile

Love the medal and the weekly challenges. The Holiday Mile was a great way to keep moving thru December! Will need to set a reminder to keep posting tho!

verified participant race review Michelle B. has attended 2 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 3.5/5
2021 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 01:41:06

Enjoyed the new format, once I figured it out! Liked the FB page and stories submitted.

Arlene W. has attended 3 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2021 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 04:16:56
Always fun

I look forward to this race every year, my dogs and I always do this race to get warmed up for the year

Scott T. A. has attended 3 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 13:45:26
The holiday Mile

I love this race ! Perfect time of year and just a mile a day is perfect and doable for me and if I’m feeling sassy I do a couple miles a day!! Love it a fun race!!

verified participant race review Beth W. has attended 5+ times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 4.0/5
Organization: 3.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 17:03:09
Thanks for a great way to end a crummy year.

My hubby and I challenged ourselves and each other. This is the 1st time ever I am not starting the new year on a diet to lose the weight I gained during the holidays.

verified participant race review Beth Anne C. has attended 2 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-02 14:35:37
Holiday Mile

It was so much fun to have motivation for my daily walks & to be walking with a virtual team during the isolation of 2020. Will definitely be doing it again next year!

verified participant race review Peggy P. has attended 1 times
3/3 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 17:30:40
Excellent motivatiion

Loved the feasibility in entering your miles. Excellent way to keep me motivated. There were several days that I got home and realized I hadn't ran a mile. I immediately jumped on the treadmill. Loved loved loved this!!

verified participant race review Ruthie M. has attended 1 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 3.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 19:26:29
Holiday Mile

Good motivator

verified participant race review william s. has attended 1 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 5.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-01 20:14:51
my life

Good method for managing weight over the holidays. Enjoyed postings on Facebook and abiloty to track my progress against all participants. Encouraged me to set personal benchmarks (top quartile), and work harder to get there, and stay there.

verified participant race review Arlene W. has attended 3 times
3/4 found this review helpful.
Course: 3.0/5
Organization: 3.0/5
2020 Race Review
Review On:2021-01-02 05:56:15
Admin Asst

I enjoyed this virtual race. I loved the challenges and motivation from the other players. In the future I would like to see the option to be able to report missed dates and not have it appear as a double entry for the day.

verified participant race review Claudia C. has attended 2 times
3/4 found this review helpful.

View all HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. reviews.

Racine, WI Weather

HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. weather history
  • Based on a 5 year average and a race date of January 1st, Racine, WI can expect temperatures between 56℉ and 67℉ with humidity around 69% and precipitation of 0.31".
    Last year the weather condition was Sunny.
  • Racine, WI current weather
  • Clouds 41.3℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. in January for a great race. The HOLIDAY MILE, a National Tradition for 13 years. works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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